Reasons to join MEmu’s Discord server

MEmu’s official Discord server is ready, join now!

Dear users, now MEmu has an official Discord server. Click to join

Here are the reasons to join:

  • Helping with multi language

No matter you are a English speaker? or a Spanish speaker? or other languages that you speak, we have your channel covered!

  • Get the latest news about MEmu. That’s the channel you will receive the latest bugs and issue in the first place!

Easy role assignment

To serve you better in your own language we have got role assignment from the server bot MEtools which is specifically designed for server actions:


  • Giveaways
    Another reason why you would like to join is you have access to community hosted giveaways! This could include google play gift card, steam keys, discord nitro / classic or even MEmu Premium!

  • Community hosted mc server
    We provide memucraft, a  Minecraft server allowing you to play mc with other members in this community. This is only when you join the MEmu Discord

  • Chance to join the beta group

Want to experience the latest functions before others? Want to participate in the development of MEmu Then join the server! We will recruit members of the beta group ONLY in Discord in the future.



What you waiting for? Join now!


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